Changes to the PDS + Additional Information Document

July 01 2020

Effective 1 July 2020, we have issued updated product disclosure statements for the Spaceship Universe Portfolio and the Spaceship Origin Portfolio (formerly the Spaceship Index Portfolio), along with the Additional Information Document.

How we charge fees

We’re changing the way we charge fees to customers, effective 1 July 2020.

Spaceship Voyager charges no fees on the first $5,000 invested.

Previously, management costs were calculated on the gross asset value of the fund and accrued daily. These fees were payable monthly. We then applied a daily management cost rebate to the initial $5,000 of customers’ balances.

From 1 July 2020, only customers with balances of more than $5,000 will be charged fees. 

If your balance is more than $5,000, the fees will be calculated on the portion of your balance that is more than $5,000 and charged daily.

Spaceship Origin Portfolio

We’re changing the name of the Spaceship Index Portfolio to the Spaceship Origin Portfolio, effective 1 July 2020.

Since 2016, we’ve been on a mission to enable young Australians to invest in their future. We started with Spaceship Super in 2017, and in 2018, we launched Spaceship Voyager. 

Today, as we bring these two products together, on one website, for the first time, we want to ensure it’s easier than ever to start investing with Spaceship. So, we made the decision to change the name of the Spaceship Index Portfolio (Spaceship Voyager) to avoid any potential confusion between it and our Global Index investment option (Spaceship Super).

We haven’t made any other changes to the Spaceship Origin Portfolio

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