Notice of fee change for Spaceship Super (January 2022)

January 10 2022

Diversa Trustees Limited, as trustee of Spaceship Super, is writing to provide you with important information about the fees associated with your Spaceship Super account.

Some good news: we’ve changed our fees to benefit you.

From 1 December 2021, if you have a Spaceship Super balance that is less than $6,000 on the last day of the month (when fees are deducted), we’ll waive the dollar admin fee — which is normally $78 pa — leaving you with more money to invest in your future.

We’ve also made some adjustments to our investment fees, administration fees, and our buy/sell spreads, also effective as at 1 December 2021:

For the Spaceship GrowthX investment option:

  • The investment fee increased from 0.193% pa to 0.196% pa.
  • The administration fee decreased from 0.723% pa to 0.720% pa.

Additionally, we’ve reduced the buy spread from 0.198% to 0.188% and the sell spread from 0.199% to 0.189%.

Therefore, the ‘cost of product’ — the total amount you’d be charged in a calendar year if your balance was $50,000 — remains unchanged at $536. (Additional fees may apply, for example, if you enter or exit the Spaceship GrowthX investment option).

For the Spaceship Global Index investment option:

  • The administration fee decreased from 0.580% pa to 0.577% pa.

Additionally, we’ve reduced the buy spread from 0.140% to 0.113% and the sell spread from 0.133% to 0.106%.

Therefore, the ‘cost of product’ — the total amount you’d be charged in a calendar year if your balance was $50,000 — reduced from $368 to $366.50. (Additional fees may apply, for example, if you enter or exit the Spaceship Global Index investment option).

Find out more about the changes

For information on the changes made to fees and costs, and for the latest information on Spaceship Super, please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS), Reference Guide, and Financial Services Guide, which can be found on

Where can I get further information?

If you have any questions, please call the Spaceship Super customer support team on 1300 049 532 or email

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