A message from Spaceship

31 May 2023

Spaceship has received an interim stop order issued by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) relating to the target market determinations (TMDs) of a number of its products.

In complying with the interim stop order, Spaceship has temporarily suspended the ability for new customers to sign up to the Spaceship Universe Portfolio, the Spaceship Earth Portfolio, and the Spaceship Origin Portfolio (together, the Spaceship Voyager portfolios), as well the ability for current customers to make additional investments.

Spaceship has also temporarily suspended distribution of Spaceship Super in its capacity as promoter. Spaceship Super is issued by Diversa Trustees Limited (ABN 49 006 421 638, RSEL L0000635) (Diversa) as trustee of the Tidswell Master Superannuation Plan (ABN 34 300 938 877) (Fund). Spaceship Super is a sub-plan of the Fund. Spaceship notes Diversa has been issued an interim stop order relating to this product.

Spaceship is taking immediate steps to address ASIC’s concerns and is committed to working proactively to address the issue.

Current customers may continue to log in to the Spaceship app, and other than the restrictions above, customers can continue to interact with their current products. The customer support team continues to be available, including by in-app chat.

For media inquiries, please contact Jack Gordon at Citadel Magnus on +61 478 060 362.

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