Spaceship wins double accolades at WeMoney Investment Awards 2023: Best for Managed Funds and Best for Long-Term Investors

02 August 2023

Spaceship is delighted to announce that the Spaceship Voyager funds have been recognised at the WeMoney Investment Awards 2023, winning two awards for our managed funds: the Best for Managed Funds award and the Best for Long-Term Investors award.

The WeMoney Investment Awards aim to recognise investing platforms that offer a competitive product and/or market-leading features, as well as outstanding service to retail and institutional investors. Spaceship's success in both categories showcases its dedication to transforming the investment landscape for Australians.

"We're thrilled and honoured to be recognised by WeMoney with these awards," says Spaceship CEO, Andrew Moore. "These awards are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team, and our commitment to transforming the way young Aussies think about and invest their money."

The award for 'Best for Managed Funds’ only examines investment platforms that offer Managed Funds, while the award for 'Best for Long-Term Investors’ is given to the investing platform that prioritises long-term investors with markets, features and fees.

Both awards were judged based on criteria relating to affordability and fees (25%), features (25%), user experience (25%) and security and trust (25%).

The Spaceship Voyager managed funds, which currently consist of the Spaceship Universe Portfolio, Spaceship Earth Portfolio and Spaceship Origin Portfolio, are the products that have been assessed for these awards.

While the Universe and Earth portfolios are actively managed funds, which both abide by our “Where The World Is Going” investment philosophy, the Origin portfolio is a rules-based fund, which consists of 100 leading Australian companies and 100 leading international companies, based on market cap. All three funds have no minimum investment requirement, allowing customers to begin investing with as little as they like.

“With our easy-to-understand fee structure, they’re an affordable way to access unique, expertly-managed funds,” says Moore. “Our Spaceship Voyager funds are a key way we’re changing the investing landscape to help young people get into the market, learn as they go, and stay the course over the long term.”

As Spaceship continues to evolve and expand its offerings, the company remains committed to providing top-tier investment solutions that cater to the diverse needs of our clients.

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