The GrowthX option has returned:
Over the year ending
% pa
Annualised over the life of the fund ( to ) (NaN months)
Returns are net of investment fees and taxes but do not include the impact of the administration fees that are deducted from your account balance. These returns are not a projection. Actual returns may differ, and can be positive or negative. Past performance is not a guide to, or reliable indicator of, future performance. On 18 May 2024 Spaceship Super was transferred from the Tidswell Master Superannuation Plan to OneSuper. Investment performance includes the performance from both funds since inception of the investment option.
Investment fees and cost
0.237% pa
Administration fees and cost
$78 + 0.570% pa
Did you know you can easily compare the fees of a super fund by looking at an example of annual fees and costs of an account with a $50,000 balance.
To see this example, click here to view our PDS and Reference Guide.
The above are fees and costs that are charged to you. There may be other fees and costs that do not impact your account but are required to be disclosed. Certain activity fees may also apply. You can find more information on Spaceship Super fees and costs by reading the Product Disclosure Statement and the Reference Guide.
Level of investment risk
Level 6
Expected return and risk profile
Estimated number of negative returns over any 20 year period
4 to less than 6
All investments have an element of risk. Please consider the risks involved before you jump on board. For more information on risk, please refer to the Reference Guide.