
Ideas in motion. How do you operate?

Feature image for 8 ways to conquer money anxiety

Financial wellbeing is a hot topic, so we thought it would be useful to give some wellbeing tips.

Liam Thomson

4 min read

Feature image for 7 financial habits to help make you smarter with your money

Habits that might help increase your financial smarts.

Liv Steigrad

3 min read

Feature image for Pay yourself to watch Netflix

And other small behavioural money-saving tricks.


4 min read

Feature image for Relationships and money: how to avoid financial disagreements

Establishing how you approach financial conversations can be a crucial skill for any relationship you’re in.

Liam Thomson

3 min read

Feature image for Money FOMO: Action steps to take to feel better about your finances

FOMO sucks at the best of times - but when it comes to our finances, it can make us behave in irrational ways. We’ve got some actions you can take if it gets to you.

Kelly Simpson

6 min read

Feature image for 5 things for long-term investors to do during a market downturn

It’s pretty easy to find bad news at the moment.

Kelly Simpson

5 min read

Feature image for 10 money things we wish we'd done differently

When we asked our Spaceship community about their financial regrets, there were some common themes.

Kelly Simpson

6 min read

Feature image for Your three step plan to eliminate money anxiety

Anxious about money? You’re not alone. What can you do about it?

Liv Steigrad

3 min read

Feature image for Why panic selling is a terrible strategy

Keep calm and learn why panic selling is not a very good investment strategy for anyone with a long-term vision.

Jessica Sier

4 min read

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